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The model for BSDQ Release 6.1 is composed of two parts:

The BSDQ Standards – The Framework

This is the 22-junction framework of standards enunciating the BSDQ international standards on Talent Management policies and processes in 22 BSDQ-critical excellence spheres to be implemented and demonstrably followed by client organizations. The framework spells out suggestive norms for organizations to follow in each of these 22 excellence spheres to ensure sustained excellence in service delivery quality. Organizations embed BSDQ into their legacy Service Delivery systems during the BSDQ implementation process by deploying a self-managed or externally assisted PRIDEScan-based implementation and compliance program. You can read more about the BSDQ standards framework here.

The BSDQ PRIDEScan – The Process

PRIDEScan is a remarkable tool. It helps organizations implement BSDQ and ensure compliance on the one hand; it also is the master audit mechanism deployed by BCI auditors to assess compliance. The multi-step, five-layered system for compliance-verification audits conducted to assess, validate and approve the degree of standards-adherence reported or demonstrated by client organizations. The governing laws guiding the working of PRIDE highlight the importance of depth ad nature of a company’s compliance to the BSDQ. Keeping PRIDE as the gravitational center, the Service Delivery Quality drivers are influenced majorly by the FIVE PRIDE parameters.

The BCI PRIDEScan™ System

The governing laws guiding the working of PRIDE highlight the importance of depth ad nature of a company’s compliance to the BCI-SDM™ Standards. Keeping PRIDE as the gravitational center, the Service Delivery Quality drivers are influenced majorly by the FIVE PRIDE parameters, as depicted in the graph below.

The BCI PRIDEScan™ System


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