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Create Your myBCI Account

Hi! Thanks much for choosing BCI!

You’re now going to create your myBCI account. Once you have one, you can log into it and pre-register or register for BCI Credentials of the BPO Certification Institute.

Please note that having an account on myBCI alone does not lead to automatic registrations or pre-registrations for any BCI Credential, nor does it make you eligible for any of the BCI schemes or privilege offers. Individuals will have to formally register/ pre-register for a BCI Credential through their myBCI account.

Start creating your myBCI account now

If you already have myBCI account.

Click on   myBCI link in top section.

Select the BCI Credential you wish to register for
Given email id will be considered as your login id.
Please enter your name exactly as you want it to appear on your BCI Certificate. Ideally, you should write your name exactly as it appears on your valid Passport or on any other unexpired government issued identity document that you usually carry on your person.
The safest passwords will have 8 to 20 characters with at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one numeric and one special character.
Enter the characters shown in the image.
Characters are not case-sensitive.
Verification Code